Arts and Cultural Grants - Major Round

This is a preview of the Arts and Cultural Grants major round 2024/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Before you start

* indicates a required field.

City of Adelaide's Arts and Cultural Grants provide funding to the community to deliver fun, lively, and interesting arts and cultural experiences with presentation outcomes in the city that enable a vibrant, connected and inclusive community in line with the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2024-2028.  

Before you start, please read the Arts Cultural Grants Guidelines 2024/25.

Confirmation of eligibility

To be eligible for funding, an applicant must:

  • Acquit any previous City of Adelaide funding for programs that have concluded.
  • Have no outstanding debts of any kind to the City of Adelaide or its subsidiaries.
  • Be financially viable at the time of application.

Before you continue with your application, City of Adelaide will NOT Fund:

  • Projects that do not include public outcomes within the City of Adelaide boundary (5000/5006)
  • Project costs that have already been funded by the City of Adelaide or its subsidiaries
  • Fundraising activities
  • Contingency costs, repayment of debts and loans or reimbursement of funds already spent
  • Applications by current City of Adelaide employees or former employees who ceased employment less than six months before applying
  • Organisations seeking funding for core business activities (e.g. rent, staff salaries) or purchase of capital items/renovations
  • Project costs that are covered by other State, Local or Federal governments or philanthropic funding
  • Projects that denigrate and exclude any groups in the community
  • Applications for conferences, tradeshows, award ceremonies and interstate or overseas travel expenses
  • Training or education in government or private institutions, activities that will be offered for assessment in such institutions, and training and development of paid staff
  • Late or incomplete submissions
Please confirm you meet the eligibility requirements * Required
Please note that only applications that meet all eligibility criteria listed above and in the guidelines will be eligible for funding.